Tuesday, 30 March 2010

General - All Areas

Burglary  In the last month there has been a number of 'garage door' type burglaries in the Lisburn area.

Most of these burglaries have occurred in daylight hours in the areas of the Glenavy Road (Airport Road) between Moira and Nutts Corner, where the aim seems to be the theft of 'ride on lawnmowers', petrol driven garden machinery and small plant equipment.

The method in each case is similar in that, entry has been gained through the main garage door which is normally rammed by a van or heavy vehicle.

All of the residences burgled to date, appear to have been vulnerable because neighbouring dwellings have been a significant distance away. A white transit van bearing false registration plates, has been seen in the vicinity of some of these burglaries.

Rural residents in particular are therefore asked to be vigilant as to any suspicious vehicles, persons or activity in the area and to advise police with details should anything give cause for suspicion or concern.

Ensure when carrying out garden maintenance that equipment is secured behind closed garage doors and that the property is left secure when vacant. As we enter the "grass cutting" period no doubt such criminals will increasingly be on the lookout for easy identification of potential theft locations.

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