Friday, 14 October 2011

General All Areas

Suspicious Vehicle

Report early this morning (around 7am) of a 4x4 type vehicle acting suspiciously in the Burnpipe Lane, Burren area of Ballynahinch. Registration similar to TJI6500. No offences identified but if sighted in the area consider notifying police to aid identification and ensure nothing untoward.

Please be mindful of bogus callers and ensure any strangers identify themselves properly if calling at your home.

Oil Thefts

With the colder weather approaching oil deliveries are on the up and likewise the possibility of oil thefts. Most reputable firms use logos on their delivery vehicles. Please ensure where possible oil tanks are locked and secured. Any suspicious activity around oil tanks should be reported especially if you note a neighbour has already received an oil delivery.


After a report of suspicious activity involving 3 males tampering with cars in the Clonmore Park area of Lisburn police responded and identified the suspects and made 3 arrests on burglary related offences.


Criminals forced entry to a property in the Killeaton Crescent area of Derriaghy yesterday. Entry was forced through a bath room window.

Did you note any unfamiliar persons in the area of any suspicious activity or vehicles? If so please contact police with details.

Given the current value of scrap metals this makes vacant properties, yards, cabling etc ideal opportunities for roaming thieves.

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