Monday, 21 January 2013

Bogus Callers

Bogus Callers.

Following several incidents of persons claiming to be from the water service we are advising householders to only open their door to persons they know and always ask for identification from anyone claiming to be from a certain company.

` Quick Check` is aimed at reducing distraction burglaries and whilst it is geared primarily towards the more vulnerable in our community, it can be used by everyone.

It is simple to use and works as follows:

1 A bogus / genuine caller arrives at the door of a person's home.
2 The householder requests the caller to wait outside & asks for their name & the name of the company they represent.
3 The householder calls the Quick Check Freephone number 0800 013 22 90.
4 The call is answered 24/7 by the 'Quick Check' team from Fold Telecare, Holywood.
5 Quick Check have direct lines to the main utility suppliers (Phoenix Gas, Water Service etc etc).
6 Keeping the householder on the line, Quick Check ask the company if that person works for them & should be calling with that householder today.
7 If the response is 'Yes' the householder is advised to check ID carefully before admitting the caller (or given the option to reschedule the visit when a friend or family member can be present).
8 If the answer is 'No', Quick Check will contact the police stating they believe they have a bogus caller at the householder's address and will advise the householder to keep the caller out.”

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