Tuesday, 6 December 2011

General ATMs - All areas

As we approach Christmas it is important to be vigilant when using ATMs to lift money.

ATM skimming is when someone illegally copies your account details from the magnetic strip on your credit or debit card when you use an ATM.The fraudster then uses your details to create a fake or ‘cloned’ card. In most cases, they use the fake card and PIN to withdraw money from an ATM.

This week two skimming devices have been detected on bank machines in Belfast City Centre and two on other ATMs in the Greater Belfast area .

Please be aware of this and the nature of the people behind this is they move from town to town and could be heading to an ATM near you.

Below is some advice to consider:

Warning signs — what to look out for?

Does the ATM look like it normally does – can you see any unusual additions, marks or changes?

Are there any signs that someone has tampered with the ATM - can you see any glue residue, exposed wires, pieces of double-sided tape?

You notice something suspicious about the card slot on an ATM (e.g. an attached device).

You notice unusual or unauthorised transactions on your account or credit card statement.

If you notice any of these warning signs contact your local branch and call the police on 0845 600 8000

Using an ATM safely?

Only use ATM machines in a well-lighted, open, high-traffic area during the daytime

ATM machines in supermarkets are safer for night time use

Avoid ATM machines adjacent to obvious hiding places

When you approach an ATM scan the area first for loiterers

Have your card ready and leave quickly, not counting your cash in public

Walk or drive away immediately if your instincts tell you so

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