Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Seasonal awareness - all areas


Just a short message to say thank you once again to all those supporting Lisburn Community Safety Network.
With 2011 coming to a close it is hard to believe another year has passed so quickly. I trust that you continue to find the Network helpful in keeping you aware of what is going on in the Lisburn area and as an aid to preventing crime especially of it happening to you.
Numbers have yet gain increased and this is a great encouragement particularly as CSN is a voluntary extra and your support is the factor in keeping it going. My thanks also go to the Neighbourhood Police Teams who promote CSN on my behalf during their dealings with you.
In particular I have noted the increase in members of the public contacting police in regards to suspicious vehicles, persons or activity and notably the messages in relation to rogue traders and bogus callers have been taken on board and that has helped curtail the activities of those that would take advantage of the elderly and vulnerable and the trauma that such victimisation leaves in it’s wake.
Prevention is better than cure and I urge you to continue to be vigilant in activity in your area, securing properties and vehicles even over the remaining festive period. Opportunist criminals still have their “last minute shopping” to do too.
We have had very good successes in the District over the last year and many criminals are now paying the appropriate price for their activities and many others have had their criminality disrupted. It is our aim to build further on these successes in 2012.
Once again please spare a thought for those of my colleagues who will be on duty and away from families over the next few days and nights. There are still those who seek to prevent us doing our job to protect you, the community, and as with all other days of the year we are with necessity required to remain careful and vigilant whilst performing our daily tasks. Please be patient and understanding. Our desire is to finish a successful day’s work and go home safely to our own families and yet vigilance is required there also and this has been all too readily brought home with the loss of another colleague earlier in the year and close calls for others. There is no switching off for us even at Christmas. It is a happy time for most but a poignant reminder to others of the cost in serving the community in which we live and work.
As usual I would appeal to you to enjoy your festive “spirit” but temper it with common sense and do not spoil your Christmas with the requirement of a uniform presence at a non-fancy dress party!! Domestic violence continues to be a bane of our society and coupled with alcohol fuelled assaults that do make the Christmas and New Year celebrations a busy time – unnecessary if enjoyed properly.
Finally, if you'll indulge me, remember it is called Christmas for a reason, enjoy its true meaning. It’s a time for celebration and preparation.......
Have a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and rewarding new year.
P.S. Was fortunate enough to meet the “The Big Guy” at a festive celebration last night. I can report all is going to schedule, if you have been good you are on the list. Carrots are still in vogue for the reindeer and stop-off snacks are readily received – and although I would caution for “in charge of a sleigh under the influence” but I can find no corresponding legislation!!!
Only 2 more sleeps to go….1 and a bit no doubt for those involved in any “pre-construction” activity.
Please approach such with care and caution and an element of pre-planning. Such things as Lego, I assure you, does not respond in any way to undue pressure or detrimental words of criticism and only serves to test your patience and the lack of understanding of the relative 7 year old as to why Dad is not enjoying the father / son bonding session.
Merry Christmas and make it special for them!!

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